Avatud on uus mobiilsusfond i-Portunus
24.04.2019 14:18
Avatud on uus Loov Euroopa mobiilsusfond i-Portunus. Tegemist on Erasmuse-tüüpi programmiga, mis on mõeldud eeskätt kunstnikele ja kultuurivaldkonnas töötavatele professionaalidele. Esimese taotlusvooru tähtaeg on 15. mail. Lisainfo i-Portunus kodulehelt või projektijuht Eva Blautelt, [email protected].
Inglise keeles:
EU Funding mobility for individual artists: i-Portunus project (https://www.i-portunus.eu/).
The deadline for submissions is 15 May.
For the first time, the EU is funding international, Erasmus-like, mobility for artists and culture professionals.
i-Portunus is a new project funded under the European Commission Creative Europe programme. It will be testing the modalities under which mobility for artists can be included as a permanent Action of the next Creative Europe programme, 2021-2017.
When: On 17 April, i-Portunus is launching the first Call for Applications. Until September 2019, i-Portunus will issue another two Calls for Applications, funding, in total, the mobility of about 500 artists and culture professional of all ages, nationalities, educational qualifications and levels of experience.
Support: The support will be short-term (15-85 days) and flexible (single or multiple destinations) mobility with a lump sum given to selected individuals to go from one country to another with the aim of establishing or improving collaborations, creating new work, increasing job opportunities, developing audiences, etc.
This call is open to: Artists and culture professionals residing in all countries participating in the Creative Europe programme. In order to achieve a critical mass, this pilot will focus on the Performing Arts and the Visual Arts (except the audio-visual) sectors.
During this trial phase, applications can only be submitted in English.
Interested applicants can contact directly (in any language of the Creative Europe programme): Eva Blaute, Project Manager i-Portunus, [email protected].
i-Portunus is implemented on behalf of he European Commission by Goethe-Institut (https://www.goethe.de/en/index.html?wt_sc=en), in consortium with the Institut français (https://www.institutfrancais.com/en), Izolyatsia (https://izolyatsia.org/en/) and Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts (http://nidacolony.lt/en).