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Made in Estonia Marathon welcomes short performances

18.01.2024 12:04

Kanuti Gildi SAAL's most popular performing arts festivity Made in Estonia Marathon is back and will take place on March 9th, 2024!

The festival (which turns 17!) welcomes short format productions, performances, video works and other acts of unexpectedness with a maximum duration of 10 minutes. The only rule is that it must be an original creation that has been made especially for the Made in Estonia Marathon.

The Marathon is divided into four sections: black box, video, empty stage and punk section. The punk section is characterized by a ready-made stage design for artists who are inspired by physical space. The artists can see the actual space only a few days before the event which makes it a game or a challenge of its own.

If you feel an urge to be a part of the Marathon, please let Kanuti Gildi SAAL know by answering this questionaire. The deadline for the registration is on February 18th, 2024.

More information at the webpage of Kanuti Gildi SAAL.