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Narva Opera Festival


Organised by ContempArt Charter

Narva Opera Festival includes world premieres of productions, family events, dance theatre, and performances that synthesize different arts. Festvial events are also taking place in Narva Castle and the recently opened Vaba Lava, where performances in a chamber-like manner can be experienced. 

Narva Opera Festival is the meeting place of east and west, history and the present day, aristocrats and bohemians. The freshest breeze of world musical theatre is blowing around the abandoned industrial complex. In Kreenholm, you can experience czarist airs, Soviet festivity, and present-day cosmopolitanism. Here avant-garde boldness is combined with the best traditions.

The Festival initiator, chief organisor and artistic director is Julia Savitskaja, singer and recipient of the East Virumaa Cultural Endowment Pearl award for 2018.