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Mundane. Magic

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
Katia Skylar
Katia Skylar
CPPM Manifestal
June 3rd, 2024 in a secret location

Author-Director Katia Skylar (FIN/RUS)
Fight choreography advice Kaire Russ (EST)
Scenography and costumes Linda Mai Kari (EST)
Makeup and costumes Carmen Kalata (AU)
Paintings and visual advice Sam Poe Uliczki-Peltola (FIN/HUN)
Lighting design Rommi Ruttas (EST)
Performers Elo Järv (EST), Jennifer Bagg (AUS), Katia Skylar (FIN/RUS), Darja Goldberg (GER), Karolin Poska (EST), Kaire Russ (EST), Maarja Korstink (EST), Marion Selgall (EST)
Production CPPM Manifestal and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment and Viimsi Artium

Step into deep Listening. Delve into sites filled with whispers, the festive fabric of cities’ most quiet corners. Mundane.Magic brings you into a celebration of the subtle nuances in existence, inviting you to get dressed in your festive best, ready to embrace your playful and celebratory essence that resides within.

Embark on an urban journey on a path trailed by ancient spirits and mystery, to a series of collective gatherings, nestled within secret locations. Mundane.Magic blends performance and research within the surrounding ecosystem. It is more than just a performance—it’s an invitation to connect, to explore, and to rediscover the magic within and around us – together-alone.

So much of life is made out of these small little moments, the quiet moments that nobody notices, that actually form the real fabric and texture of our life. – Adyashanti

Katia Skylar, a versatile artist adorned with the titles of actress, performance artist, and butoh dancer, finds her creative essence in the fluidity of movement and the resonance of words in human and non-human languages. With a penchant for interdisciplinary collaborations, Katia weaves tales that blur the boundaries between genres, embracing the nuanced cadence of physical theatre, dance, and dramatic combat. In her world, the body becomes a canvas, each gesture a brushstroke painting stories of resilience, rebellion, and remembrance.

This is all that is accessible now – lines of words created by a non-human reflecting from an input. How true is it? Anyway, can we do without numbers, without manifesting degrees, without questions? Can we just meet with no expectations created by categories, in the unknown?

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