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EPICIRQ '23: "Up to this Point"

Aleksey Smolov, Elena Kosovec, Konstatin Kosovec
Aleksey Smolov, Elena Kosovec, Konstatin Kosovec

Idea and Creation Taigi Cirkas
Artists Konstatin Kosovec (LT), Aleksey Smolov (LV), Elena Kosovec (LT)
Dramaturgy Pau Portabella
Light Design Monika Šerstabojevaitė

I was hanging there tangled,
framed and limited I was rolled on and over,
spinning in and out,
Bruised and healed,
crushed and resurrected
With breath taken and heart lost

Three circus artists who have met each other on a rise of pandemic with a wish to research the connection points between their practices, finding their artistic way in limiting and harsh conditions. How do their bodies change, how does it affect their mental and emotional states? How do their thoughts translate to their bodies and how does the way of communication transform?

What they can propose to each other and where this proposition can bring to? A breathtaking journey leads one to a search of self-identity, another to a new way of self-acknowledgement. All results of building a new reality with objects losing their conventional meaning and becoming a beautiful metaphor of connection, support and communication.

Artists welcome the audience to enter the universe of imagination and dive into worlds created through physicality, sensitivity, materiality, vulnerability, textures and geometry.

Duration: 50´
Age target: 5+

Contemporary circus company "Taigi Cirkas" was formed in 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania. It’s name can be loosely translated from Lithuanian as "But it’s circus" — meaning that it is something that doesn’t have to be explained. Currently the company consists of four artists – Konstantin Kosovec (Lithuania), Elena Kosovec (Lithuania), Izabele Kuzelyte (Leedu) and Aleksey Smolov (Latvia). The main purpose of the group is to tell honest stories emerging from their individual and collective experiences using circus disciplines as a medium to share and connect.