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Festival of Spooky Action at a Distance '23: "Something Great"

Hendrik Kaljujärv, Maike Lond
Kõheda Vastasmõju Festival
November 9th 2022 in Kanuti Gildi SAAL

Concept Maike Lond, Hendrik Kaljujärv
By and with Kaie Olmre, Kim Noble, Maike Lond, Inga Salurand, Hendrik Kaljujärv, Mait Vesker, Johhan Rosenberg, Asuna Arashi
Tech Maike Lond, Kim Noble, Hendrik Kaljujärv
Light, sound Mikk Mait Kivi, Mait Visnapuu

Coproduction eˉlektron, Kanuti Gildi SAAL
Support Ministry of Culture, Culture Endowment of Estonia, Tallinn City

Dear Artist X,
Do you remember the time when you were supposed to host some gala and out of nervous excitement you accidentally banged someone's trumpet’s damper obsolete?
We want you to do it again.
Uniformly lit office space in Tallinn. “Unboxing nothing ASMR” on screen.
Maike sleeps on a soaking wet mattress.
Hendrik is belly-flat on the floor.
Bohdana sits straight in a chair and eats macaroni from a plastic box.
“Dear radio listeners. My name is Kaie and I am one eˉlektron. In tonight's program, we will talk about how 4 artists have been thrown into the management of the organization and other stuff. What will become of them, what will become of people?”

Dear Artist Y,
Nobody is sitting in an auditorium alone. Noone is alone before the show in the theater lobby, having red wine. I don't think anyone would really enjoy such an experience. Or perhaps a boyar from forgotten times.
We once defined the problem of telematic art as "online entertainment loneliness". Loneliness which we are trying to avoid in eˉlektron. Where performers are lonely and the audience even lonelier. Someone once wrote that it’s easier being in each other’s presence, or in each other’s absences, than in the constant presence of each other’s absence. And telematic communications are constant reminders of absence.
I hope to see you and your works. They stop time. And that is my favorite time.
All the love,

Mait Vesker is an auto healing coach, who can help with crypto-, mytho- and myko- problems. He is also the chef terrible at Maiduk kebab and persona non grata in local rap scene.

Kim Noble is an award winning comedic performance and video artist. His multi-disciplined approach has led him to work across theatre, TV, film, art and comedy. Kim’s work uses a provocative and humourous style to expose the human condition: notions of death, sexuality, gender and religion are picked at with dry comedic use of tragedy meshed with absurdity. He has a girls name and no longer smells of wee. He was one one half of Perrier Award-winning, BAFTA-nominated experimental art-comedy duo Noble and Silver.

Maike Lond has graduated Interfaculty ArtScience at Royal Academy of Arts, Den Hague. She is one of the initiators of an artist collective MIMproject. Maike is mainly working in the field of performing arts as a director-performer and dramaturge. She is playing guitar in a noise rock band Zahir. Works at eˉlektron and has no pets.

Hendrik Kaljujärv works at eˉlektron. He graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, degree program audiovisual creation. He is a composer, sound designer, musician, director and performer whose creative explosion is often dependent on the earth’s astrological position. His specialty is giving feedback that helps a light and jumpy mind to calm down, to look inside and open up to its real potential.

Kaie Olmre works at eˉlektron as a producer. Kaie has an MA in art education from Estonian Arts Academy. Kaie has worked as a project manager in different arts and cultural institutions in Estonia. She is widely known for her good vibes and laughter, which are also her main tools for solving problems of any magnitude. As a side hustle, she investigates and studies holistic therapy.

Inga Salurand is in constant motion as an artist and performer. Sometimes she appears, sometimes she disappears. She often considers creating to be more important than making her creation visible. She is interested in the fringes of both performative and visual artscapes, but also engages in classical theatre. Inga is one of eˉlektron’s spatial anthropologists and considers space itself a fascinating and equal stage partner.

Johhan Rosenberg is working in the fields of dance and performance art. With a background in choreography, dance and classical music studies, Rosenberg is creating performances for theatres, galleries and underground venues. He has presented works in The Netherlands, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Latvia, Finland, UK and Estonia and participated in several projects as a performer and dramaturg. He received the Estonian Theatre Prize dance award 2022 for their performance “Eden Detail'' with Jette-Loona Hermanis and is nominated for the 2023 awards in the same category with their solo work “traps”. In their creation practice, the functionalities of language and identities become embodied contexts towards the process of creating fictive surroundings.

ASUNA is Japanese sound artist who has recently been reevaluated in the experimental music and art scene in recent years. Since teens in the late 90s, he has been producing in the experimental and improvised music scene in Tokyo. His works is simultaneously an interdisciplinary perspective in art and a sweet and punk, musical orientation that seems to be its opposite. ASUNA's recent work "100 Keyboards" is a site-specific performance featuring over 100 toy-keyboards. This focuses on physical acoustic phenomena such as interference sound and moire resonance. This work has performed at many international art festivals and theaters such as BAM in New York.

Duration: 90'
Language: in Estonian / English