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Fresh from Viljandi: Manifestations of antitheater in the Estonian performing arts landscape

TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
Shion Yokoo-Ruttas
Shion Yokoo-Ruttas

Scenography: Shion Yokoo-Ruttas
Light and video/visual artist: Rommi Ruttas
Operator and video idea: Shion Yokoo-Ruttas
Props: Eero Ehala
Mentor: Ruslan Stepanov
Technical support and realisation: Rommi Ruttas
On stage: Karl Edgar Tammi and Shion Yokoo-Ruttas

In performing arts, it seems to me that we try to create and organise signs of signs as artificially as possible to construct a theatrical world, avoiding natural signs’ unintentional appearances. Additionally, “natural signs” are intended to make artificially, which are artificial signs with seemingly daily features, still artificial signs of signs.

Shion Yokoo-Ruttas expresses herself and surroundings humanly and honestly in the contemporary performing arts field. Interested in nature, findings in quotidian life, and others. Born and raised in Japan, she finds herself currently in Estonia, soon to be graduating from University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy in Dance Art and looking to her future also in semiotics.

Project manager: Shion Yokoo-Ruttas
Co-production: TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia
Supported by: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Viljandi city, and Raamatubaar Romaan
Thank you: Laine Ploom, Valdo Ruttas, and Rafael Mustafa
Organisational support: Elis Luusepp, Gertu Tambah, and Kadi Remann

Duration: 60'
In Estonian and English