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Floor on Fire

Elle Viies, Igor Lider, Johhan Rosenberg, Karl Saks, Maryn-Liis Rüütelmaa, Ruslan Stepanov, Sigrid Savi
Ruslan Stepanov
April 4th, 2024 at the elektron art hall

Author / performer Ruslan Stepanov
Co-authors / performers Elle Viies, Maryn-Liis Rüütelmaa, Sigrid Savi, Johhan Rosenbeg, Igor Lider, Karl Saks
Dramaturge Alissa Šnaider
Sound design Artjom Astrov
Light design Mikk-Mait Kivi
Scenography Linda Mai Kari
Graphic design Jaan Evart
Photos Alissa Šnaider
Producer elektron.art
Supporters Estonian Ministry of Culture, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, city of Tallinn

In this piece the performers are approaching choreography as a language. Dealing with it as fixed physical material that in turn needs a text. Text that describes it, however, following the nature of the work itself, does not give a definitive answer as to what it is, but rather creates an opportunity to take it for what it is.

Ruslan Stepanov has worked as a dancer and choreographer in the ballet company of Vanemuine, lived and worked in Görlitz and Berlin in Germany. Currently he’s a freelance artist, performer and teacher in Estonia.
In his artistic practice, Ruslan has by now come to the understanding that there is no other way to delve into the creative process than through co-creation.

Therefore he has engaged performers and artists who have strong individual presence, that embodies also the challenge of how to make space for each other. They act as co-authors for Ruslan who raises questions within the process that are then answered by each performer-artist. Although as a whole it is interpreted together. Therefore, both the question and the focus of the answer are common, but the form of the answer depends on the language in which someone communicates with the spectators.

Duration: 60’