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Reality Poets

Karl Saks, Liisbeth Horn
Liisbeth Horn
September 28th 2023 in eˉlektron art hall

Author/director Liisbeth Horn
Dramaturg and sound artist Karl Saks
Creative producer Anita Kodanik
Light artist Revo Koplus
Scenography support Riin Maide
Performers Johanna Vaiksoo, August Vaiksoo, Liisbeth Horn
Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia

In the rage of life, only assorted moments are caught on camera. In a selectively (and maybe naively) framed reality, coincidences meet at which the mother smiles. And even bad mothers smile. Clown schools are tough, mid-life crisis is manifested, it gets sad when there’s no fate, silly hoes rub their lips with dried lipstick, poets sit on a park bench, drink beer and lure songs home.

Beautiful, perhaps, but it's not real. In reality, these poets know nothing about reality. Nobody knows. All information reaches the poets in fragments. Their brains connect the clues, fill in the gaps with stories, and invent a new reality by themselves.

"Reality poets" hunts for the narrative, which binds the half-random bits into a whole. This poetically assembled blur is not intentionally fake. People have power over cameras, but not over their brains. The outtakes of reality sit on a bench, rolling a flat filterless fag from the tobacco dregs collected in a snus box, cause trivial outgo has no taste nor point. Brain will stuff the gaps with something else.