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NAKS Festival '24: "Playful Tiger"

Barrowland Ballet
Natasha Gilmore, Robert Alan Evans
Natasha Gilmore
NAKS, Noorele vaatajale

Made in collaboration with Ellie Griffiths Projects, this piece interacts directly with the audience, with a focus on sensory engagement. Playful Tiger is based on Tiger Tale co-created by Natasha Gilmore and Robert Alan Evans.

Choreographer Natasha Gilmore
Collaborator Ellie Griffiths
Performers Jade Adamson, Kai-Wen Chuang, Vince Virr
Composer Kim Moore
Set and Lighting Design Fred Pommerehn
Costume Design Christine Dove

Playful Tiger is for children and young people age 7+ with complex autism who are mainly non-verbal.

Something wild is prowling. She can hear it through her bedroom walls, but her mum and dad seem stuck in the dull routines of their everyday lives. Until one day the wild breaks in and everything changes.

Playful Tiger tells the story of a tiger’s visit to a rigid family home where he turns their world
upside down. It's chaotic but brilliantly fun, with a focus on sensory engagement.

Playfulness within the work creates space for a two-way response between audience and performers.

Language: nonverbal
Genre: A sensory dance performance for children 
Target Group: children aged 7+ with complex autism who are mainly non-verbal
Duration: 45 min