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Kasuta sisselogimiseks parooli
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Creators Natasha Gilmore and Robert Alan Evans
Choreographer Natasha Gilmore
Director Robert Alan Evans
Cast Jade Adamson, Kai-Wen Chuang, Vince Virr
Composer Kim Moore
Stage Designer and Lighting Designer Fred Pommerehn
Costume Designer Christine Dove
Current Producer Jo Walmsley
Original Producer Belinda McElhinney
Something wild is prowling. She can hear it through her bedroom walls, but her mum and dad seem stuck in the dull routines of their everyday lives. Until one day the wild breaks in and everything changes.
A troubled family’s world turns upside down when a tiger invades. It’s chaotic, it’s dangerous but brilliantly funny as the tiger reignites the family’s love for one another. Enjoy the thrill of sitting right up close to the action and the chance to explore the set at the end.
Telling the story through the eyes of the daughter, "Tiger Tale" is a sophisticated dance theatre piece for children and families. Children identify and find humour in the daughter’s mischievous attention seeking antics. As the tiger weaves in amongst the audience he captivates and delights them with his cheekiness.
Language: nonverbal
Genre: dance performance
Target Group: 7+
Duration: 55 min
*Following the performance, a group activity will take place (max 30 min)