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NAKS Festival '24: "Do As I Say"

Bobbi Lo Production
Lava Markusson, Michael Tang
Lava Markusson, Michael Tang
NAKS, Noorele vaatajale
August 27th, 2021 at Bastionen in Malmö

Choreographer Lava Markusson and Michael Tang
Dancers Matilda Bjärum, Kristian Refslund, Moa Autio, Lava Markusson and Michael Tang
Composer Jonathan Lundberg

"DO AS I SAY" is a physical dance performance that wants to make our social behavior visible on issues of bullying and authority. The piece is interactive and both the audience and dancers receive verbal instructions from a recorded voice, but who is actually in charge?

Language: English, in few words
Genre: an interactive dance performance
Target Group: 13+ years old youngsters
Duration: 45 min + 15 min talk afterwards