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God and the Devil

Linnu nimi MTÜ
Mare Kandre
Teet Kask
March 13th, 2024 at Viimsi Artium

Ballet in two acts based on Mare Kandre's novel "God and the Devil"

Composers Timo Steiner and Sander Mölder
Director Teet Kask
Producer Tiiu Tamm
Animator Juho Lähdesmäki
Lighting artist Margus Vaigur
Dancers Kyoshiro Oshima, Maria Solei Järvet, Jevgeni Grib
On the stage Cätlin Mägi's bagpipe ensemble, Laura Põldvere

Once lived two little boys, Devil and God: Devil dark, thin, hairy, and kind; God red-haired, ill-tempered, and spoiled chubby. What became of them as history unfolded? An allegorical story with a powerful dramatic arc about the parallel paths of good and evil begins with the childhood of Devil and God. God's teasing and rumors about Devil lead to revenge, disappointment in humanity, and the creation of Hell. However, the anger subsides, and as Heaven and Earth have collapsed in the meantime, Hell becomes overcrowded. They must seek a New World. And so they go. Devil with his wife at the forefront, humanity in a massive line behind, and God trailing last.


We sadly see that humanity is capable of ruining everything it gets its hands on. In this story, as both Earth, Heaven, and finally Hell fall, a new place for living and settling is found, another chance is given, but let's be honest, not for long... Humans remain humans.


Themes of Heaven, Hell, and world creation have been explored in ballet for centuries. We can envision the graceful lines of classical ballet portraying hovering angels and the quick, contorted movements of infernal beings... But how does one move in a new World that God allows in their final hope?


Mare Kandre's story is rich in stimulating contrasts. There are intriguing characters and their unexpected developments, several musical and auditory hints: like an ominous silence in Heaven or the lone sound of a child's voice from the devastated land. The main musical challenge, however, isn't in Heaven, Earth, or Hell – we can more or less imagine their sounds. But how does that new world they are seeking sound? The musical soundscape is based on the tones of a bagpipe from folklore in many lands and the human voice.


The visual language of the performance is created with the help of AI by Finnish animator and director Juho Lähdesmäki.