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Aleksey Smolov, Lizeth Wolk
Aleksey Smolov, Lizeth Wolk

Big Wolf Company (EE/LV) - a work in progress presentation

Idea and creation Big Wolf Company
Artists Lizeth Wolk (EST), Aleksey Smolov (LT)

NOT TO BE MENTIONED is a performance exploring the topic of single parenthood through self-analysis, accessing our own memories (cognitive and material) of childhood and finding the ways to embody, transpose and communicate findings through our artistic practices and points of interaction.

The show digs deeper into understanding the possible pair dynamics leading to a single parenthood, social constructs and stigmas, as well as how being a single son or a daughter of a single mother results in our habits, choices, actions and perception of the life, when we are already around the age of creating our own families. What are we searching for in a partnership? Why do we continue hanging on to a sinking ship or why do we quit so easily? How does one show that the love that they once had for the other has disappeared? How does one show love?

Duration: 45'
Age target: 10+

Big Wolf Company is Estonia's first professional contemporary circus troupe, founded in 2015. Big Wolf Company has been active in introducing the relatively new art form of circus to Estonian and Baltic audiences, developing the local circus scene and representing the Baltic circus community abroad.

Joining forces of versatile artists, Big Wolf Company creates performances for every taste: rom stylish retro comedies to touching solo productions. The troupe moves towards a common goal, to make the Baltics fall in love with circus and to make the international circus world fall in love with the Baltics.