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adamson-eric ad astra

Marika Põldma
Vahur-Paul Põldma
Esietendus 5. jaanuaril 2009 Adamson-Ericu muuseumis
The production shows the life and work of one of the most erudite Estonian artist in the last century. He travelled from his native town Tartu and his childhood South-Estonia to Berlin, Paris, Spain and Greece. Then WW II, forced mobilisation into the soviet army and art ensembles in Jaroslavl, where Adamson-Eric proved himself as the new head of the soviet Estonian art life. He becomes the director of the Tallinn Applied Art Institute, then is labelled as a ‘bourgeois nationalist’ and is sent to work in the shoe factory. Heart attack, brain insult and paralysis of the right side of his body. However, Adamson-Eric learns to paint with his left hand and creates some the best works in his life.